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Invite Code instructions

Instructions for using an invite code

Last updated: January 22, 2025

Update 10/15/2021

We've started to introduce a new add device process that doesn't use the invite code. It's now released for Android, Kindle, Windows, MacOS, and Linux. For those platforms, follow the instructions below:

These instructions allow you to add devices to an account without sharing that accounts login credentials with you.

Generate an invite code

The account owner, who has the subscribed Truple account, needs generate an invite code and share it with the individual who needs to add their device. If you already have an invite code, skip down to the use an invite code instructions. Follow the instructions below to generate an invite code:

  1. Load the devices page (login with your subscribed Truple account if prompted)

  2. Scroll down, and click Generate Invite Code

    Generate Invite Code

  3. Provide a Device Name, and choose the operating system type.

  4. Click Generate Invite Code

  5. Click Email the instructions below to email the invite code instructions to the person who's device you need to add to your account.

Use an invite code

Invite codes expire, do the following asap!

  1. Go to and create an account but do not subscribe
  2. Follow the instructions below for your device type:

* iOS (iPhone / iPad) devices don't use invite codes. To setup an iPhone device, see the iOS setup guide.

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