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Add your Windows computer to someone else's account

How to request your device be added to another account

Last updated: January 22, 2025


  1. Install the Truple app. For Windows 10+ devices, install from For Windows 7, 8 install from
  2. Open the Truple app
  3. Click Add device to account
  4. Provide the subscribed Truple email address you wish to add your device to and a device name, then click Submit.
  5. Your add device request was sent to the account owner. They need to login at and grant the request.
  6. Once the request is granted, click "Check if granted" and the app will launch the monitoring service.
  7. You can adjust the device's settings (image blurring, screenshot frequency, etc) from the device settings page at

Windows 7 Notes

Windows 7 users need to have .Net Framework 4.5 or above installed in order for Truple to run properly. Visit Microsoft's download page to do so. This is not necessary for Windows 8-10.

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