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Add your linux device to someone else's account

How to request your device be added to another account

Last updated: January 22, 2025


This version of Truple for Linux does not currently support blacking out banking websites. We strongly encourage the use of the image blurring feature to hide private information that may be captured.


  • Truple is not compatible with Wayland display server. Please use X11.
  • The latest version uses updated GCC libraries. If you get an error regarding GLIBCXX_3.4.32 not being found, please see the note at the bottom of this article.


  1. Download and install ImageMagick apt-get install imagemagick
  2. Download and install libfuse2 sudo apt-get install libfuse2
  3. Download Truple from
  4. Place Truple.AppImage into your user profile's home directory (~/)*
    mv ~/Downloads/Truple.AppImage ~/Truple.AppImage
  5. Make the file executable
    chmod +x ~/Truple.AppImage
  6. Launch the AppImage using the command below (or just double click on it)
    ~/./Truple.AppImage --no-sandbox &
  7. Click Add device to account
  8. Provide the subscribed Truple email address you wish to add your device to and a device name, then click Submit.
  9. Your add device request was sent to the account owner. They need to login at and grant the request.
  10. Once the request is granted, click "Check if granted" and the app will launch the monitoring service.
  11. You can adjust the device's settings (image blurring, screenshot frequency, etc) from the device settings page at

* Truple is designed to run out of your Home directory. It may not launch properly or restart properly if moved. If you move the Truple.AppImage file, it will result in a tamper email being sent.

Supported Distros

There are a lot of different linux distros out there. We've designed Truple to work with Ubuntu. Customers have reported some tweaks needed in order to use it on other distros below. We cannot verify/guarantee the tweaks will result in everything working for your device.

Updated App requires Updated GCC libs

We recently updated the underlying electron library that the app is built on top of. This update requires updated GCC libs in order to run. Some older versions of Ubuntu (< 24.04) and other linux distros may require an update to those libraries. Customers have reported the following commands resolved this issue for them:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade libstdc++6
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