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Add your Kindle Fire Tablet to someone else's account

How to request your device be added to another account

Last updated: January 22, 2025


  1. Open the Kindle App Store
  2. Search for "Truple" (it may try to auto-correct and search for "triple" instead, make sure it's searching for Truple). Alternatively open
  3. Select Install
  4. Open the Truple app
  5. Click Add device to account
  6. Enter in the email address of the subscribed account you wish to add your device to.
  7. Enter in a name for your device
  8. Click Submit
  9. The owner of the subscribed account needs to login at and grant the request.
  10. Once the request has been granted, open up the Truple app on the kindle device. If it asks you to grant permissions, go to the next step. If it doesn't, click Check if granted and then go to the next step.
  11. Grant the permissions
  12. You can adjust the device's settings (image blurring, screenshot frequency, etc) from the device settings page at
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