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Linux Setup Guide

How to setup Truple screenshot accountability on Linux

Last updated: June 24, 2024

This version of Truple for Linux does not currently support blacking out banking websites. We strongly encourage the use of the image blurring feature to hide private information that may be captured.


  • Truple is not compatible with Wayland display server. Please use X11.


  1. Download and install ImageMagick apt-get install imagemagick
  2. Download Truple from
  3. Place Truple.AppImage into your user profile's home directory (~/)*
    mv ~/Downloads/Truple.AppImage ~/Truple.AppImage
  4. Make the file executable
    chmod +x ~/Truple.AppImage
  5. Launch the AppImage using the command below (or just double click on it)
    ~/./Truple.AppImage &
  6. Click Get Started
  7. Login with your subscribed Truple account**
  8. Answer the questions

* Truple is designed to run out of your Home directory. It may not launch properly or restart properly if moved. If you move the Truple.AppImage file, it will result in a tamper email being sent.

** If the device is not physically present, you should not share your Truple credentials. Instead follow these instructions.

Supported Distros

There are a lot of different linux distros out there. We've designed Truple to work with Ubuntu. Customers have reported some tweaks needed in order to use it on other distros below. We cannot verify/guarantee the tweaks will result in everything working for your device.

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