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How do I change my Truple e2ee passcode?

Steps to changing your Truple e2ee passcode

Last updated: January 22, 2025

  1. Open the accounts page

  2. Login to your subscribed account if you aren't already logged in

  3. Click Change E2EE Passcode

    change e2ee passcode

  4. Enter in your current E2EE passcode

  5. Enter in a new E2EE passcode

  6. Write your new E2EE passcode down!

  7. Tell your report recipients your new E2EE passcode

If your report recipients haven't already entered in the old e2ee passcode, or if they try to view the accountability data (screenshots, events, etc) from a new web browser / app, they'll need the new passcode. So be sure to tell them. When you change the e2ee passcode the report recipients will be notified that it's been changed.

If you've forgotten your e2ee passcode, you can reset it

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