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Windows Firewall Fix

Fix issues with Windows Firewall

Last updated: January 22, 2025

These instructions will reset your Windows Firewall, and allow you to grant permissions for Truple.

If you received this message Firewall Error - Click to fix., follow these steps if you use Windows firewall. If you use another firewall, please allow the Truple app.

  1. Close the Truple app

  2. Click on the Start Button

  3. Type Firewall

  4. Click Windows Defender Firewall

  5. Click "Restore Defaults" on the left hand side

  6. Click "Restore Defaults"

  7. Read the dialog. Be sure you agree, then click "Yes".

  8. Close the Firewall window

  9. Open the Truple app

  10. Allow access

You should now be setup to run Truple. If you run into any issues please reach out to

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