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New phone/device guide

How to handle a new phone or device

Last updated: January 22, 2025

Word of caution

Unmonitored devices laying around the house are extremely dangerous. Consider keeping Truple on the old device, or securing the old device to ensure it's not used without your knowledge. If you decide to keep Truple on the device, you may need to upgrade your subscription.

Add new device to account

  1. Load the devices page. (login with your subscribed Truple account)
  2. Click Add a device
  3. Choose the device type you wish to add to your account
  4. Follow the instructions shown.

Delete old device from account

  1. Load the devices page. (login with your subscribed Truple account)

  2. Click the device name to expand it's settings

  3. Check the Delete box

    delete device from account

  4. Click Save in the bottom right-hand corner.


  5. Uninstall the Truple app as you would any app for the platform in question.

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