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Adjust device type

How to adjust device type

Last updated: January 22, 2025

Truple has 3 different device types. The different device types control how much that device can view and change:

  • Owner - Can do everything. View accountability data (screenshots, websites, etc.) for the entire account, change device settings, modify billing information, make changes to the subscription, lock/unlock the account with the help of a report recipient, etc.
  • Admin - Can view accountability data (screenshots, websites, etc) but can't make any changes.
  • User - Can't view anything. Monitoring only.

All 3 device types can be monitored.

At this time only Android devices support the Owner and Admin device types. To make a change:

  1. Go to the device settings page and login if necessary
  2. Click the name of the android device you wish to adjust settings for
  3. Select the device type, and choose a new device type from the dropdown menu
  4. Click Save in the bottom right hand corner
  5. Restart the device or wait ~30 minutes for the settings to sync down.
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