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Filtering / Porn Blocker for Android

Guide to setting up filtering on Android devices

Last updated: December 9, 2024

By default, Truple only does accountability. We do support filtering on some platforms though. The instructions below will show you how to setup filtering on Android devices.

A word of caution

Because filters operate at the network level, there is a rare chance it could impact your internet connection. If this occurs, reach out to and describe what you're experiencing and we'll help diagnose the problem.

Android 9+

Follow these instructions. Logging in is required.

Android 8 and lower

On Android 8 and lower, you'll need to install our Web Filter app.

  1. Download the Truple Web Filter App.
  2. Setup filtering using the app
  3. When prompted to subscribe, Subscribe
  4. Click Screenshot Accountability Login
  5. Enter your subscribed Truple Screenshot Accountability email address, then login to gain access to the premium features.
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