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How do I add an accountability partner?

Steps to adding an accountability partner

Last updated: March 7, 2021

  1. Go to the reports page.

    reports menu

  2. Login if you aren't already logged in

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page, then click Add Email Recipient (aka Accountability Partner, Ally, etc)

    add email recipient

  4. Choose Daily or Weekly emails (Daily is recommended)

    report frequency

  5. Enable/disable the Send Immediate Alerts toggle if you want emails sent out immediately when bad websites/apps being used.

  6. Optionally, limit the accountability partner to certain devices on your account.

    limited devices

  7. Optionally, limit what accountability data the accountability partner has access to.

  8. Enter in their email address

  9. Click Submit. They'll receive an email with instructions on how to act as your accountability partner.

You can have up to 5 accountability partners per account.

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